Compare Bendigo Bank AUD currency transfer options to/from Australia. You can beat Bendigo Bank exchange rates when making an Australian dollar money transfer or overseas payment, save time, money and get the best deal.
International currency transfers to or from your Bendigo Bank account in Australian dollars, UK pounds, the euro, US dollars and many other popular currencies will involve a margin or exchange rate of around 4.6% and additional bank transaction or commission fees may apply.
Bendigo Bank international currency transfer rates are much higher than most money transfer providers (money transfer providers rates range between 0.45 to 1.0%).
Sending foreign currency to or from your Bendigo Bank account in Australia needn’t be a complex matter, moreover, you can save time and money when you use a specialist currency broker instead.
Specialist foreign exchange companies including our recommended providers here can save you money and time on the transaction. Our recommendations are based on international coverage and office locations together with the lowest foreign exchange margin rates offered.
Example: A typical overseas currency transfer of $100,000 Australian dollars (AUD) using Bendigo Bank services would have a transaction exchange rate margin of around 4.6% – or $4,600 AUD. Using a specialist broker, in this example TorFX – the exchange rate margin would work out at 0.7% – or only S700 AUD in total, which is a large saving over the bank service.
International money transfers from Bendigo Bank could take longer to arrive than using a private currency exchange provider and you will also need to be an existing Bendigo Bank account holder to use their services. Bendigo Bank may additionally charge a flat rate commission fee when sending money abroad into another currency and bank transfer commission fees vary depending on the amount you need to transfer. Private brokers offer commission free currency transfers, typically over a value of $5000.
Unless you pay a premium, Bendigo Bank’s service will take from 5 to 7 days for your funds to arrive at the destination bank. Private foreign exchange companies typically complete the transaction either same day, or next day.
Bendigo Bank is a domestic Australian Bank with its national headquarters located in Bendigo, Victoria. Bendigo Bank has over 300 local banking branches throughout Australia, with a strong presence in Victoria. Bendigo’s origins can be dated back from 1858 when it was created and the bank is a publicly listed company in Australia.
Find Bendigo Bank branch addresses near you with our geolocation map search. Simply enter the bank name (and optionally a city or country) and the map will display the closest Bendigo branches in your search area results.
You can find answers to everyday banking questions at Bendigo online. If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for, you can call them from outside Australia on +61 3 5445 0666
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Doing some research and evaluating options will ultimately save you time and money: Compare money transfer providers
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