Compare BBVA euro currency transfer options to/from Spain. You can beat BBVA euro bank exchange rates when making an international money transfer or overseas payment, save time, money and get the best deal.
BBVA | EUR to GBP | EUR to USD | Minimum Transfer + Fee | TrustScore (Trustpilot) | More Details |
Currencies Direct | £0.837 to £0.84 | $1.026 to $1.03 | |||
TorFX | £0.84 | $1.029 | |||
Wise | £0.841 to £0.842 | $1.031 to $1.032 | |||
BBVA | £0.803 | $0.985 |
International currency transfers to or from your BBVA bank account in the euro, UK pounds, US dollars and many other popular currencies will involve a margin or exchange rate of around 5.0% and additional bank transaction or commission fees may apply.
BBVA international currency transfer rates are much higher than most money transfer providers (money transfer providers rates range between 0.45 to 1.0%).
Find BBVA Bank branch addresses near you with our geolocation map search. Simply enter the bank name (and optionally a city or country) and the map will display the closest BBVA branches in your search area results.
You can find answers to everyday banking questions at BBVA online. If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for, you can call them from outside Spain on +39 900 102 801
Still have questions?
Doing some research and evaluating options will ultimately save you time and money: Compare money transfer providers